Foreign Talent STI Grant Project No. 35/FIRST/1a/UTC

Tuesday - 30/11/2021 07:49
UTC-HCMC Campus has been granted to conduct the project funding by the World Bank and the Ministry of Science and Technology from 1/2018 – 6/2019
Foreign Talent STI Grant Project No. 35/FIRST/1a/UTC

Title: Development of numerical simulation and optimization technologies for optimal rutting resistance of asphalt concrete pavements considering the traffic and climate conditions of Vietnam

Grant Budget: 107.018 USD

This project aims to develop and transfer knowledge of numerical simulation and optimization technologies for optimal rutting resistance of asphalt concrete pavements. Additionally, it provides a framework towards developing new design criteria for rutting resistance of asphalt pavements and also to disseminate study results to practices and to research publications. The key partner of UTC-HCMC in this project is the University of Derby, United Kingdom.

The main contents of this project are:
Content 1: Data collection, rut testing in the laboratory, quantifying material parameters and behavior of asphalt concrete pavement, and selection, purchasing procurement of equipment and finite element software for the development of numerical simulation modeling.
Content 2:  Accessing, transferring knowledge, and conducting numerical simulation technologies for laboratory rutting tests of pavement asphalt concrete.
Content 3: Developing the numerical simulation model and optimization for in situ rutting of pavement asphalt concrete.
Content 4: Publishing scientific papers, disseminating knowledge about numerical simulation technologies to enhance experimental testing and optimal design of pavement asphalt concrete mixtures in rutting resistance to industry, and finalizing the project.

Some of the project activities:

Dr. Bac discussed  with a Vietnamese expert at UTC laboratory
Training courses on numerical simulation technologies at UTC-HCMC
The training course on numerical simulation technologies to enhance the experimental testing and design, delivered by UK numerical simulation experts




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