Opportunities to go to the USA, Norway and Southeast Asian

1. Fall 2018 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship - the USA
The U.S. Mission to Vietnam seeks candidates for the Fall 2018 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship on three themes: civic engagement, environmental issues, and social entrepreneurship and economic development. Vietnamese citizens between the ages of 18 and 25, full-time undergraduate students or those who have graduated from college, university, or other institutions of higher learning, who demonstrate strong leadership qualities and potential in their university or place of work, an interest in community service and volunteerism, and have a good command of English, are invited to apply for the program.
Deadline: 11:59 PM, Sunday, June 17, 2018.
Link: https://vn.usembassy.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/40/Fall2018-YSEALI-Academic-Fellowship.pdf
2. Young Spirit Project

Young Spirit represents the common interest of three organizations in South East Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar) in facilitating exchange of young people with belief that their young spirit will facilitate mutual understanding and inspire others to act for changes in the region and in the world. The exchange is funded by the FK – a Norwegian Government agency – that creates development by bringing people together to learn, share and understand each other.

Within the project, each country will select 04 participants who will join various activities with their sending organization in their home country and in either of two countries Cambodia or Myanmar.

Deadline: 08/06/2018
Link: https://csds.vn/young-spirit-project-participant-recruitment/
3. Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Young Scientist Program - ASEAN
Funded by the US. State Department, the goal of the Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) Young Scientist Program is to foster collaboration, knowledge sharing and the creation of a network of young scientists in the LMI countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam.
The program supports youth and young professionals by creating opportunities for collaboration. Joint research, workshops and symposiums encourage the sharing of scientific knowledge, ideas and experience, including authorship of
peer reviewed research papers.
Deadline: 01/06/2018
Link: https://asuengineeringonline.com/lmi-young-scientist-exchange-program
4. 6th Vietnam Summer School of Science (VSSS'06)

The VSSS aims at inspiring and supporting young Vietnamese generations (including young higher-education academics, young researchers, and students) who are potential and/or keen as well as full of passions on pursuing research as a career. The summer school is held annually on a basis of purely academic and non-profit activities. The lectures given at the summer school will cover essentials of science, research skills as well as selected studies in natural, technical, social, and economic fields.
Teaching programme at the VSSS’06 will be designed for those who are on early steps of their scientific research and academic career including young higher education academics, postgraduate students, engineers, high-school teachers, or undergraduate students starting their research. Exceptionally, some excellent high-school pupils and others may be considered. The teaching programme includes 4 main themes with 10-15 lecturers given by young and experienced scientists who are expected to inspire the students by their lectures. The lectures
covers not only natural science and engineering but also economics and social sciences. Several VSSS’01 students, who obtained certain successes after the first summer school were invited to share their experiences in the interactive and experience-shared session.
- Time: 23rd - 25th July 2018.
- Address: Quy Nhon, Binh Dinh

Deadline: 27th May 2018
Link: http://www.truonghekhoahoc.com/2018/application-now/

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