Workshop "Career talk - Logistics and Transportation"

Tuesday - 07/05/2019 14:10
In the afternoon of April 5, 2019 at the hall C1, Department of Transportation - Economics has cooperated with ITL Corp to organize vocational training program in Logistics – Transportation through the consent of University of Transport and Communications’ Board of directors.

Participants from ITL corp includes Mr. Nguyen Minh Hieu - Pricing and Solution Manager; Mr. Ho Vo Thanh Binh - Warehouse Manager; Mr. Huynh Minh Sang - Deputy Branch Manager - Road Transport Center, with the delegation of the company.
Ingredients from the school includes Dr. Pham Phu Cuong - Head of Transportation - Economics Department;  M.Sc Phan Le Nhu Thuy - Head of Operation and Transport Economics Division;  M.Sc Dang Van On - Head of Political and Student Affairs, and especially more than 200 students from different classes: Tourism Transport Economics, Logistics Administration, postal economics of the 58th course.

  Career-oriented program in Logistics - Transportation

With the goal of career guidance for students, Mr. Nguyen Minh Hieu has basically introduced the Logistics –Transportation industry. With the scale of 20-22 billion USD per year and the annual growth rate ranges from 16-20%, the Logistics - Transportation industry is showing the importance in the structure of the Vietnamese economy.
Based on the forecast from the next 5 to 10 years, the amount of goods transported through the East Sea can account for up to two-thirds of the world's total import and export goods.
This is certainly a potential opportunity for Vietnam's Logistics transport industry and is also a great opportunity for students of Transport University students to find suitable jobs.
Through the vocational program, students had the opportunity to cultivate the knowledge and skills needed to prepare for the job after graduation. Moreover, this is also an opportunity for students to exchange and to be shared experiences with speakers, experts in the field of management, employers ... There were many questions that have been asked by students. In addition, it is parallel with the satisfactory answers from the speakers and employers partly in order to help students having a better understand in this industry.


Mr. Nguyen Minh Hieu introduced to students about logistics - transportation
Ms. Phan Le Nhu Thuy gave flowers to the leader of ITL Corp


Editor: Nguyen Van Dung

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